Open Air Fitness
lntroducing our newest addition to the tennis club – the Open Air Fitness!
Fitness is an essential part of being a successful tennis player. That is why Corendon Tennis Club offers a wide range of fitness equipment and facilities to help you stay in top shape. Whether you prefer to work out on your own or with a trainer, we have everything you need to improve your physical fitness and enhance your game.
Our fitness facilities include a wide range equipments such as Spinning cycles,jump boxes, ropes, TRX, a variety of free dumbells and kettlebells, medical balls and balance boards within a stretching zone and outdoor training spaces that ta ke adva ntage of the natural surroundings.
Regular fitness training can helpyou to improve reaction times on the court, as well as enhance your mental toughness, focus, and confidence.
Stay motivated with our expert trainers who will guide you through various fitness routines tailored to your needs.